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Coupled with Hog 4 PC, the Nano Hog 4 provides the user with a single unified surface, turning a laptop or desktop into a fully fledged, powerful and intuitive lighting console. Any PC running Hog 4 PC can connect to the Nano Hog 4 over USB creating a state of the art control surface. Utilizing the same front panel as the Road Hog 4, users will immediately feel at home on the Nano Hog 4. There are also two slots for the optional addition of either Super Widgets and/or MIDI/LTC Widgets.



With a single 22 inch multi touch display, the Road Hog 4 is unparalleled in the industry. Allowing full expansion in a compact package not only does this Hog pack an enormous punch but it is also the most affordable Hog console in a generation!



The mid range console capable of delivering a large scale show. All the power of the Hog 4 in a more compact package, with sleek lines, racked screens and familiar layout. Like it’s predecessor it allows for total expansion enabling you to create, manage, edit and playback all types of shows be they in a local theatre or on the largest arena stages.

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